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Preparing Pipes for the Winter
When water freezes, it expands and sometimes leaves behind broken pipes and costly bills regarding the lost water.
Reminder! Property Taxes are Due
Property taxes for residents in the state of Texas are due on January 31, 2025.
8 Helpful Ideas for Winterizing Your Home:
Winters in Texas have become unpredictable. With extreme highs and extreme lows in recent years, preparing your home for the winter months has proven to be vital. Preparation is easy and effective with a few simple steps.
Home Safety Tips for Resident Holiday Travel
Holidays are a prime time for vacations. Unfortunately, it is also a prime time for residential burglaries. Here are some helpful ideas to protect your home and deter criminals:
Beware of "F.O.G." Fat, Oil, and Grease
As the holiday season approaches, the Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 would like to remind residents about an important issue that can negatively impact your sewer systems: F.O.G. – fat, oil, and grease.
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Welcome to Harris County MUD 284
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (the "District") is a MUD created in 1985 by order of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The District contains approximately 345 acres of land and is located in Harris County.
The District has constructed and operates water, sewer, and drainage services to its residents.