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Wow! What a great night for National Night Out 2024!
Harris County MUD 284 and Windstone Colony would like to share the success of National Night Out 2025 with all our wonderful residents. A special thank you to the Harris County Sheriff’s office and Cy-Fair Fire Department!
Water Conservation
Water Conservation does not require you to dramatically change your lifestyle overnight, but it does require each of us to become more aware of how and why we are using our water.
National Night Out 2024 is October 1st!
Come out and meet your neighbors and local first responders Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, from 5-8 pm, at Windstone Colony Pool Complex.
Pardon Our Dust
The Windstone Colony "North Park" (behind the pool) will be closed starting on 8/19/2024. The park will be closing to allow work to begin on the all-new park and Administration Building!
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Welcome to Harris County MUD 284
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 284 (the "District") is a MUD created in 1985 by order of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The District contains approximately 345 acres of land and is located in Harris County.
The District has constructed and operates water, sewer, and drainage services to its residents.